Internship agreement in companies: What you need to know to hire an intern
Here you will find everything you need to know about internship agreements in companies and social security contributions for interns
If you have questions about any type of scholarship procedure
The structure of the agreement is usually divided into four sections and a large number of articles:
What is an internship agreement in companies?
The internship agreement or internship contract is a document signed by three parties: the university student, a company, and the student's educational institution. It is part of the fulfillment of the academic curriculum and allows the student to integrate into a work team as an apprentice, utilizing their academic training.
Is there a single model for an internship agreement in companies?
There is no unique format for the internship agreement with companies. Normally, universities have their own format, although the structure and content are usually similar, with only slight variations that do not differentiate them significantly.
What is the duration of the internships in companies?
The duration of the internship agreement in companies will vary depending on the academic calendar, academic activities and even the needs of the students. However, an internship period in companies usually lasts between 1 and 6 months, and can be part-time or full-time.
"What details should I know about the internship agreement in companies?"
The entire structure of an internship agreement in companies can change in the order of the details it contains, and this depends on the format that each educational institution deems necessary. However, the content is usually the same because the main objective of the internship agreement is to describe the tasks, conditions, and duration of the internships in companies, while also defining the parties involved (the student, the university, and the company).
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The parties involved in the agreement
Every internship agreement in companies starts with the academic collaboration framework agreement, which specifies the university and the company, as well as the legal representatives, their addresses and contact information, in addition to other general information.
Insurance and coverage
Internship agreements in companies include information about student insurance or the coverage provided by the university to the student during the activity. The intern is also allowed to indicate any additional policy that provides extra security (in the case of internships in companies abroad).
The training project for internships in companies
The training project describes the tasks and the position within the internship in companies, in addition to indicating the start and end dates of the internship, the type of day and the benefits that the student will enjoy (food, accommodation, etc.).
Regulations and guidelines of the internship agreement
It is related to all the regulatory norms of the agreement and the regulations concerning data protection, both from the university and the company where the professional internships will take place.
Important information for processing the hiring of an intern.
It is recommended to understand the regulations regarding external internships, the types of internships, and all the requirements for hiring an intern. This way, you will have a clear understanding of the entire process and ensure compliance with the obligations established for the student within the company internship.
Types of internships
There are two types of external internships: curricular and extracurricular.
Curricular external internships are part of the study plan, mandatory and have a certain amount of credits. Your academic load is important, since passing the academic year depends on it.
Extracurricular or non-curricular external internships are those carried out by the scholarship recipient voluntarily, under no obligation.
Requirements to have a scholarship
Requirements to have an internship student in companies as an intern
Internships aim to provide students with real-world work experience through direct contact with the company and its environment, all within a dynamic of learning and applying the knowledge gained in academic training.
For this reason, the student must meet a series of requirements to be able to acquire the intern position within the company:
– The scholarship recipient must be a university student, with approval from his or her home of study to sign the agreement.
– All tasks assigned to the scholarship recipient must be related to what they have seen during their academic training.
Rights and obligations
Rights and obligations during professional practices
– Scholarship holders must have an academic tutor within the university who can guide them during the internship.
– Interns must have a tutor in the company who is responsible for guiding, evaluating and training them during the development of the internship.
– One of the most important aspects is to instruct the intern in relation to occupational risks and internal regulations of the company, and even about the Data Protection Law.
– The company must be flexible with the student and respect their academic load and duties with the university.
– The internship agreement does not establish an employment relationship, so it does not indicate obligations and rights inherent to the labor framework for any of its involved parties.
Current regulations
Learn about the three Decrees that regulate external internships
Royal Decree 1493/2011 of October 24: Inclusion of internship students in the Social Security system.
Royal Decree 592/14 of July 11: Regulation of external academic practices of university students.
Royal Decree Law 8/2014 of July 4: Urgent measures for growth, competitiveness and efficiency.
Paid internships
Truths and myths about paid and unpaid internships
The obligation to remunerate or not remunerate an intern depends on the national legal framework where the internship takes place. In the specific case of Spain, companies are not obliged to offer remuneration to interns. However, in countries such as France, there is legislation that requires a minimum monthly salary for interns.
Frequently asked questions about the bonus for intern contributions.
Do interns with an internship agreement in Spain have to pay social security contributions?
Only external internships that are paid or that provide financial aid will generate the obligation to contribute to social security during the period established in the internship agreement.
How much does the social security contribution cost for a corporate internship intern?
The contribution base for students on internships in companies is set by the General Scheme for training contracts. It typically amounts to around 50 euros, to be distributed between the student and the company. This amount is fixed and does not depend on the amount of the scholarship or the duration of the internship.
The requirements for a scholarship recipient to pay social security contributions in Spain are:
-To have an agreement for external internships, curricular or extracurricular.
-A grant or remuneration for the internship student.
-A national identification: DNI, passport or NIE.
-A Spanish social security contribution number.
If the intern meets these requirements and the company registers the intern, they will benefit from Social Security benefits, such as contributions to retirement and coverage for common contingencies (those related to disability and temporary incapacity due to common illness or workplace accidents).
How to reduce the social security contribution of students with an internship agreement?
As long as it is an external curricular internship, the social security contribution will have a 100% bonus if the company decides to remunerate the student and involves the bonus of the amounts through the procedure established by the competent administration.
Carry out the procedures for the internship agreement in companies with us
In our long trajectory, we have assisted companies with everything related to documentation, regulations, bonuses, and social security for interns and students on internships in companies.
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