We help you create your CV and prepare for the interview
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Internships in companies
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Concise, clear and brief personal description
A concise personal description, placed below your contact details, offers employers a quick insight into your abilities and ambitions. For internships in companies, showcase your social resume by highlighting what you do best. For example, if you’re skilled in digital marketing, include links where they can view your work. Remember, a reference is worth more than a thousand words.
In an interview, sell what you know how to do or the functions you could develop
Be honest, work on your skills and abilities, as they always develop from what you enjoy doing. In the interview, show what you know. If they ask you: "Why are you applying for this internship offer, what do you want to learn, what can you contribute?", give a sincere answer, demonstrate with facts what you know, and humbly ask for the opportunity to prove it.
Nowadays, what there is about you on the Internet is key to obtain job opportunities.
Provide solid proof of your achievements. Remember, employers are interested in seeing real evidence of your skills, not just a CV full of overused adjectives. Even if you don't like it, you must show what you know on the internet. Make the most of it and include published work on your LinkedIn profile, blogs you've written, or networks that benefit you.
Each company is different. Adapt your CV to each personal interview and pour your heart into it
Dress appropriately for each situation. For the office, wear a suit; for the beach, wear swimwear: "dress" your CV for the occasion. Opening doors for internships in companies is something you should approach with both your mind and heart. Companies always choose those who show commitment, maturity, and know-how.
Speaking languages improves employability, and opens doors in international settings
The best professional opportunities are for people who speak languages. Speaking multiple languages has always been and will continue to be a significant competitive advantage, both academically and in the workplace. Professionally, it opens doors to international experience. If you speak foreign languages, don't hesitate to give them a priority space in your CV. If you don’t know any languages, it's best to start learning one: your future will thank you.
Seek help from professionals. Get advice on your CV
After creating your CV, it is time to ask us for help. We will show you some tricks in order to make your CV stand out. We will be happy to give you advices, beyond seeing spelling mistakes or semantic errors, we focus as career coaches in yourself to bring out the best version of yourself and guide you to the top of professional success.
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We help you create your CV and prepare for the interview
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Internships in companies